Charles K. Chui 教授受邀进行讲座
发布时间: 2017-10-29 23:05:12
题 目:Big Data through The Looking-Glass of Super-Resolution
报 告 人:Charles K. Chui 教授 香港浸会大学、美国斯坦福大学
时 间:2017-10-26 10:30--11:30
地 点:学院401报告厅
Charles K. Chui教授是国际著名小波分析的专家,是世界多间著名大学的特聘教授,包括香港浸会大学、美国史坦福大学、美国密苏里州大学和美国德克萨斯州大学等。已经出版数十本著作,发表上百篇论文,现在是国际著名学术杂志 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis(中科院一区)的主编。
摘 要:
Big Data have been around since Big Bang and the beginning of life, but not yet explored till recently. In addition, data are continually being generated in rapidly increasing volumes and complexity, everywhere, and by just about everything around us. The understanding of Big Data is indeed a most challenging endeavor to the communities of mathematicians, statisticians, engineers and scientists alike. In this lecture, we will describe the background and development of this fascinating subject and present two current mathematical approaches to super-resolution of light point-sources.