发布时间: 2021-09-14 23:21:59
题 目:From Classification to Sparse Machine Learning
报 告 人:许跃生教授 Old Dominion University
时 间:2021-09-24 9:00--10:00
地 点:线上会议
Yuesheng Xu, Professor of Data Science at Old DominionUniversity, Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Dr. Xu was Eberly Chair Professor of Mathematics at West Virginia University (2001-2003), Full Professor of Mathematics (2003-2012) and Professor Emeritus (2013-present) at Syracuse University, and Guohua Chair Professor at Sun Yat-sen University (2009-2017). He retired from Sun Yat-sen University in 2017.
摘 要:
We will present recent development of sparse machine learning from a simple example of classification. This talk will discuss basic ideas of sparse machine learning. It is specially prepared for graduate students and non-expert researchers who have no machine learning background.
2021年9月24日,欧道明大学教授,国际知名的计算数学专家许跃生教授受我实验室主任叶颀教授邀请,通过线上会议的形式作了题为“From Classification to Sparse Machine Learning”的学术报告。中山大学前校长李岳生教授、雪城大学沈立新教授、香港城市大学的韩耀宗教授等粤港澳大湾区、国内外专家学者及各大高校研究生等共100余人参与了本次会议。