- [2017-10-18]热烈祝贺中国共产党第十九届全国代表大会在京开幕
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- [2017-04-18]讨论课题:凸分析 VII
- [2017-04-11]讨论课题:凸分析 VI
- [2017-03-28] 讨论课题:凸分析 V
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- [2017-03-07]讨论课题:凸分析 II
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- [2016-12-21]讨论课题:Shannon sampling and function reconstruction from point values I
- [2016-12-14]讨论课题:On the mathematical foundations of learning II
- [2016-12-07]讨论课题:On the mathematical foundations of learning I
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- [2016-11-23]讨论课题:Properties of RKHSs III
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- [2016-11-09]讨论课题:Properties of RKHSs I
- [2016-11-02]讨论课题:The Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space of a Kernel