Colloquiums and Conferences
- [2021-11-16] Linearized Proximal Algorithms for Convex Composite Optimization with Applications
- [2021-11-16]Quadratic Matrix Inequality Approach to Robust Adaptive Beamforming for General-Rank Signal Model
- [2021-09-25]From Classification to Sparse Machine Learning
- [2021-09-08]Non-invasive inference of thrombus material properties with physics-informed neural network
- [2021-08-19]Estimating the exponents of Kurdyka- Lojasiewicz (KL) inequality and error bounds for optimization models
- [2021-08-08]ECT Medical Image Reconstruction: High accuracy Modeling and Fast Algorithms
- [2021-08-08]Multi task Learning in Vector valued Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces with the l1 Norm
- [2021-08-01]Optimization algorithms on Riemannian Manifolds
- [2021-01-15]Mathematical modeling about the scheduling of combination cancer therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors
- [2020-12-16]Secure multi - party computation and its application
- [2019-12-26]Enhancing Sparsity Selections through Tail Shrinkage and Energy Relocation
- [2019-12-09]Probability matrix decomposition of personalized differential privacy protection
- [2019-11-25]Random process and Shannon's sampling theorem on random fields
- [2019-08-31]Convergence study on the logarithmic-quadratic proximal regularization of strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method with larger step-size
- [2019-08-31]Learning and Research
- [2019-04-26]High-Performance Computing For Three Dimensional Maxwell’s Equation Arising From Photonic Crystals
- [2019-02-24]Interpolatory Pointwise Estimates for Monotone and Convex Piecewise-Polynomial Approximation
- [2018-12-18]Affine Shear Tight Frames with 2-Layer Structure and Their Applications in Image/Video Processing
- [2018-12-18]Computational Mechanics for the Modeling and Simulation of Airplane Crashes
- [2018-12-18]Adaptive Synchrosqueezing Transform for Instantaneous Frequency Estimation and Signal Separation